Call: 940-387-4200 Text: 817-664-3572

We believe that most discipline problems can be avoided through a combination of:

  • Knowledge of developmental growth patterns and needs of children at different ages and stages
  • Environments that facilitate emerging skills without causing frustration and competition
  • Activities that encourage and gently stimulate children’s natural curiosity
  • Routines that are consistent and give children security and stability.

All discipline used must be:

  • Individualized and consistent for each child
  • Appropriate to the level of the child’s understanding
  • Directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior and self-control

To manage behavior in a positive way we use:

  • Positive reinforcement
  • Redirection
  • The offering of appropriate choices
  • Praise and encouragement of good behavior instead of focusing only on unacceptable behavior
  • Reminders of behavior expectations using clear, positive statements

Discipline techniques that are NEVER used include:

  • Corporal/physical punishment
  • Yelling, abusive, or demeaning language
  • Shaming or humiliation
  • Deprivation of food, nap or bathroom privileges

If a child’s behavior is dangerous to himself/herself or if the child is unable to calm down, the child will be briefly separated from the group until he/she is ready to continue the class activity. While the child is briefly separated, an adult will do calming activities with the child. These may include; a walk around the school, reading a book, or cuddling with a stuffed animal or blanket.

Continual discipline problems will be referred to the Director, who will schedule a conference with the parents.

If we feel that our program is not suitable for a child or that a child requires more attention than we are able to provide, then we reserve the right to disenroll a child at any time.